Maybelle - Chet Atkins


This song was composed for Maybelle Carter by Chet Atkins. I have performed this song and have been surprised how well such a simple song has been received. The arrangement has a couple of tricky stretches and a right hand technique change which are outlined below. As an alternative, you can watch Chet teach Maybelle. The sheet musc below follows his arrangement, with a few modifications.


Chord Shapes

These are not in sequence with the tabs. They show the positions used through the song.

Tab Shot


Hard Spots (technique)

While Maybelle seems to be simple, there are a few spots that may require a little extra practice. The first is the following passage. Measure 26: use a 1rst and 2nd finger pattern to play the F, then slide the 1rst finger up one fret to the F# and drop the 2nd finger on the 3rd fret to play the G7 chord pattern.The notes in measures 26 and 27 measures are the same, but rhythm change can be tricky. 


The next spot is in the bridge, at the end of the "Top of the World" section. The melody changes to the 8th position with a stretch in measure 65. The goal is to slide the 1rst finger up to the 8th fret bridged so you can play the G and the C (2nd and 1rst strings). Keep your index finger fixed on the 8th fret and stretch up with the 4th and 2nd finger to fill in the C chord (2nd and 4th strings). Slide the 2nd finger down to play the B on the 4th string, and then change to position 5.

Play the F chord in measure 67 in 3rd position, that leaves your 4th finger free to hammer on the high Bb (6th fret, 1rst string).

Full Lead sheet (TABS)